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Identifying and Developing High Potential Individuals is Essential to the Future Success of the Organization

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There is a big difference between Performance and Potential. A study by the Corporate Leadership Council (2005) found that 71% of ‘high-performers’ were not ‘high-potentials’. They lacked the ability, motivation or engagement for the next level.  

Key attributes of talented people include Learning Agility and the ability to achieve Balanced Processing of Information, so they take account of as many relevant issues as possible. Learning Agility has become a  key concern for many organizations.

Learning Agility relates to the ability to learn from experience and apply knowledge in new ways. This flexibility affects Quality of Analysis, Relationships with People, the ability to Implement Change, and most importantly, Delivery of Results.

Talent Management is strengthened by use of Tools & Techniques that increase Self Awareness and profile underlying Learning Agility.

Pario Profiling

Identify important elements of Learning Agility, including Analysis, People, Change and Results.

The Profile also explores key areas that relate to Authentic Leadership.: Self-Awareness, Balanced Processing, Relational Authenticity, & Authentic Behaviour / Action.

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Talent & Leadership Development Programmes

We offered tailored solutions that help organizations identify and develop talent. We draw on our wide range of experience, plus the online resources. Options include Employee Engagement Profiling and review of Psychological Capital across different parts of the business; design of 360 degree feedback, and use of Blended Learning solutions, as demonstrated in the Pario Leadership Course.

Click Here for the Business Coaching Guide